Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Day of Summer

Ahhhhhhh, the sun! the sun! streaming through the kitchen window! Welcome!

Hmmm, 1st day of summer, house full of kids, a farm full of eggs....what's for lunch?

lemonade and "heavenly eggs."

(Tori doesn't believe we should give the enemy anything.)

The little girls played and played. Riding double on the tricycle, pulling the wagon around, entertaining each other for hours.

Papa gave a "hayride" all over the place.... up the hill, through the orchard, down the lane. The kids loved it!

It was great having the kids here. The cousins enjoyed each others company so much. There were even some tears when the girlies went home. Bella loved all of the company and hugs too.
Unfortunately, little Joe's visit was cut short. We had to make an E.R. visit with an acute asthma attack and he went home with his Daddy afterwards, to spend time with his parents and the babies.

1 comment:

kate said...

I love all the pictures!! The kids have such a great time together, and it's so cool to see them tromping around where we used to.


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