Thursday, March 3, 2011


Isn't it wierd the things that will trigger a memory of someone or something you hadn't thought about in years? The little Farmgirl showed up today with this sweater on. It reminded me so much of a poncho that a girl I went to college with in the early 70's, used to wear. We used to hang out in between classes and have lunch together. I hadn't thought about her in so long, but she was a young, divorced mom of a little 6 year old boy. She had beautiful auburn/chestnut brown hair cut in a shag style and used Selsun Blue Shampoo. She drove an old beater car with rust spots on it that she had painted bandaids over. Her name? Can't remember for my life!
For years, I couldn't smell Emeraude perfume without remembering the gift from my 1st Grade Teacher, Mrs. Black when I graduated from High School. And I still get memory flashes of the Nursing Admistrator's notes in the bathrooms where I worked as a Nurse's Aide (right out of high-school) when I reach for the toilet brush. I know....I'm wierd. So what's the source of YOUR March Madness? What crazy things spark memories for you?

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