Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My love of books was inherited from my Mama. She's a reader and had a collection of books from her childhood. When I was just a baby, she purchased a set of Childcraft books that cost dearly. I learned Mother Goose nursery rythmes from them, read stories from around the world, sang songs from them,and have them to this day.

In the first grade, I was ecstatic at not just being read to,but actually being able to enter in to the world of Dick and Jane all by myself. In fact a whole new world was out there; just for the taking. New friends were there to be made, places were there; waiting to be traveled to, all at the turn of a page.

As an adult, my philosophy has pretty much always been:
  1. If there was something I wanted to do, and didn't know how....
  2. someone else did, and had probably written a book about it
  3. i knew how to read.
My sisters and I wore out many of my Mom's books. Most of the favorite books in my personal collection are in pretty sad shape too. They're not crisp and clean anymore. Instead, they're dear old friends, bringing back memories of not just the information they hold between their tattered and torn covers, but of the many times and places in my life that they've been a part of. They are much loved.

My children, and now their children as well, have been read to, and in libraries since they were in snuglis, backpacks, and strollers.
Your legacy lives on, Mama.


Dot said...

Oh, dearest M, how you brought back memories of "The Secret Garden", "Elsie Dinsmore" and "Little Pilgrims Progress"! Thank you!


****** "M" said...

Entering into their world was amazing, wasn't it?


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