Friday, August 14, 2009

Julie & Julia and blogging

Where have i been? Even though other bloggers have been talking about reading the book Julie & Julia for quite awhile....i didn't pick up on that it was about blogging! It wasn't until my sister saw the movie and mentioned it to me (right before seeing it myself) that i found out.
(Theatrical poster)
The questions presented both by my sister, and the movie, have been asked by myself repeatedly, since the beginning of this little blogging adventure a few months ago. "Is anyone out there?" Is anything i have to share of any significance to anyone else?
I guess it all depends on why a person begins a blog, as to whether that's important or not. If it's purpose is a personal diary of events, for personal reflection and recollection, then it may not matter if anyone else reads it or not.
At first, i tried to tell myself it didn't matter if anyone read "me".....but as i thought about it more, i did matter.... a lot. One of the reasons i started my blog was it felt like my world was getting smaller and smaller, and along with circle of influence....
i remembered what a ray of sunshine it was for me to read my favorite blogs, when i was "housebound" with cancer and treatments. Now, i wanted to be that "visit with a friend", to someone else who might be needing a bright spot in their day too. That's the reason it may seem like a pollyanna blog, or like i lead a charmed life. This is not to say there may never be a rant show up here, but for the most part, i feel like we all deal with enough negative junk and ugly stuff on a daily basis, so try to take time to make this a pleasant retreat. (Even if it means shoving dirty dishes aside to click a shot!)
The movie dealt with Julie becoming self absorbed in pursuing her goal with the blog. Basically, her husband pointed out that her readers in blogland were going to survive, even if her blog didn't. Blogging does take time and thought, and i can see where it could become an issue - it's to be ABOUT my life--not BE my life.
On that note, i must's a creative outlet that i'm loving, and will blog to my little heart's content....even if nobody reads....but i secretly hope you do :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You know I read it ;) xoxo


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