Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's a Great Day for a Wedding!

57 years ago, my parents thought so. I love how they're still ga-ga over each other. I love listening to them at night, laughing and sharing the events of the day. I love how my Dad makes jokes out the side of his mouth, and my Mom swats him, and says "Richard" as only she can. I love watching the two of them comfy in their chairs, her doing her crosswords, him his suduko, and both of them chastising the Mariners. I even love "the boys" (their dogs)that they let get away with things my sisters and I never could!
August 15th: A great day for a wedding? 10 years ago, on my parent's 47th anniversary, our kids thought so. It was a wedding in our orchard. The forecast was gloomy, there was no back up plan, and things did not look promising; but the Lord blessed us with a beautiful day after all. One of my favorite memories of the day was when a change in music plans, brought about a solo by Kate and she sang "I'll Stand by You". It was very special.
They have given us 3 beautiful grandchildren, and are such wonderful parents. They have been such a blessing to this family, and we are all so thankful for them. Chris is a very generous person and gave of his fireman ladder expertise when our tall old house needed painting, and his EMT services have been called upon from time to time as well, (unfortunately.)
Today, our youngest daughter Anna is the maid of honor for her best friend Julianne. Julianne is such a sweetie, and though I haven't met Steven, I pray today will be a beautiful day for them as well, and that their marriage will be blessed.

Happy Anniversary Mom And Dad!
Happy Anniversary Chris and Kate!
We love you!

1 comment:

kate said...

Thank you again! Just a beautiful day, I will always remember the way I felt. I LOVED my wedding day. Thanks for all the hard work you put into making it so incredible, and unforgettable.


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